I took some time to hunt for coffee and shower gel and almonds from the Indian grocer at Metro La Chappel. It was all great fun until I got off at the Pyrénéés metro to make my way to the La Mer à Boire. There were surprisingly many assorted groups of young French men hanging out in doorways on the street- never alone, always two or three or four. So many idle 20-30 somethings. They would dance out onto the sidewalk to greet me with a sly smile. "Bonjour" accompanied by the kind of look that brings out the "good Catholic girl" in me (what little is left of her). I retaliated by putting on my best American accent and shouting "I don't PARE-LAY FRAHN-SAY." Rico-suave instantly went sour and in the fall out off I went clickity-clack- clickity-clack up the cobble stone street. La Mer isn't the easiest place to find but when you get there you are really glad you did. They have 2.50 euro kirs, political art, and this is the view from the terrace.
It was lovely.
Also, I later consulted Sébastien (composer,
Paris authority, socialist and generally wonderful person),
and he said that the area is not known for prostitutes of any
gender. He said "They looked at you somewhere near wanting
to flirt with you and wanting to push you, no?" Yes! he must
know these guys.
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