It is an advertisement for language classes.
It starts with a giggle, god, I can't help it. Then I notice his indignant little index finger. How cute, how totally English! Then I always laugh out loud. Poor thing, he's wounded, he needs a nurse! Then I remember finding an entire Greek temple in the British Museum, the whole thing! all of it. There is only a plaque left in Kushadshi! As a Chicana, it's my only heartfelt issue with the English- at the moment. So then I don't feel so bad for laughing. Maybe the French are still pissed off about Agincourt. No wait, they are for sure still pissed about Agincourt.
The slogan is Arretez de Massacre l'Anglais! Stop massacring the English! But how can the French help it!??! They've been wanting to open up that can of whoop ass for centuries. It's just too much and soon I am laughing out loud like a mad woman. I simply can't help myself- it happens every time. I just really thought I should share.
Here is his little friend. I like him too.

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